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Think and Grow Rich

This is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. Written during the Great Depression, against a backdrop of millions of people out of work and a looming world war, Napoleon Hill's magnum opus held out hope that life could get better. While not considered part of the New Thought movement, Hill drew on many of their concepts and techniques. He prefigured the 'Prosperity Consciousness' of present-day New Age thinkers. And a host of motivational writers and speakers have followed in his footsteps.

A good part of Hill's book is simply the gospel of 20th century American Capitalism: work hard, have a firm handshake, get ahead by doing quality work, treat your customers with respect, anybody can become rich and/or powerful if they overcome their personal weaknesses. Some may find the core 'secret' of this book elusive; Hill never gives us a succinct formula to aquiring wealth, although he hints that it exists. However, the title of the book is 'Think and Grow Rich,' not 'Get Rich Quick': Hill insists that we take a very detailed personal inventory, and grow spiritually, in order to draw wealth our way. This involves a developing a high level of self-discipline and obeying the Delphic injunction to 'Know Thyself'. He also incorporates a lot of good, practical business advice: find new opportunities created by technological innovations, make a written plan and keep to it, don't be afraid to fail repeatedly. The secret is here, it is just simply the sum of parts rather than an explicit roadmap.

Towards the end of the book he steps off a precipice and ventures into some very esoteric territory. He discusses harnessing Kundalini energy, manifesting psychic powers such as telepathy, tapping into higher consciousness, and getting in touch with the great minds of history, although, again, he is not too specific about how to accomplish these feats.

Think and Grow Rich is one of those books which makes a lasting impression. No matter what you may think of Hill's philosophy and his folksy writing style, you are bound to come away from this book feeling energized, more optimistic about life, and (possibly) a bit richer for the experience.
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Como superar el fracaso


Destaque esta frase, escríbala en un pedazo de papel en letras grandes y colóquelo en donde lo vea todas las noches antes de acostarse a dormir y cada mañana antes de ir al trabajo.

Algunas personas tontamente creen que solamente EL DINERO puede hacer dinero. Esto ¡no es cierto! EL DESEO se convierte en su equivalente monetario a través de los principios expuestos aquí, es la agencia a través de la cual el dinero se “hace.” El dinero por si sólo, es nada más que materia inerte. No se puede mover, pensar, caminar, pero si puede “escuchar.” ¡Cuándo un hombre lo DESEA, lo llama para que venga!

Conózcase a sí mismo La más vieja de las advertencias es “¡hombre, conózcase a sí mismo!” Si mercadea mercancía exitosamente, usted debe conocer la mercancía. Lo mismo es cierto en mercadear servicios personales, debe conocer todas sus debilidades para poder superarlas o eliminarlas completamente. Debe conocer sus fortalezas para poder llamar la atención a ello cuando vende sus servicios. Usted puede conocerse a sí mismo solamente mediante un análisis preciso.

Estas observaciones no están basadas en experiencias a corto plazo, son el resultado de 25 años de análisis cuidadoso de los métodos de ambos, de hombres mas y menos exitosos que el Mundo haya conocido.



No importan las veces que uno se equivoca y cae, lo que realmente importa es la capacidad que tengamos para levantarnos e intentarlo de nuevo.

El Mayor Fracaso es "NO" Llevar a Cabo una Idea por Miedo a Fracasar

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How to overcome failure and achieve success

Everything man creates or acquires, begins in the form of DESIRE, desire is taken on the first lap of its journey, from the abstract to the concrete, into the workshop of the IMAGINATION, where PLANS for its transition are created and organized.

The formation of a DEFINITE, practical plan, or plans, through which this transformation may be made is a very important step. In this self-help e-book you will learn how to build plans which will be practical.

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You were Born Rich

YOU WERE BORN RICH gives you the complete, proven system for using the potential you have locked inside of you to achieve financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual prosperity. This International Best Seller by Bob Proctor will open your eyes to the deep reservoirs of talent and ability that lie deep within you.

Thousands of people have paid almost $500 for the audio/video series that's based on this incredible book. But what's even more impressive is what the President of VitaTonics, Sam Kalenuik, did. "Bob Proctor's concepts and principles so profoundly affected all aspects of my life that I purchased more than 30,000 copies of his "You Were Born Rich" book. I am convinced that the enormous success we experienced had a great deal to do with the common-sense approach to thinking and balance that he teaches."

Recognized worldwide as one of the most comprehensive personal development book available, Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich will open your eyes to the deep reservoirs of talent and ability that lie deep within you. You Were Born Rich contains a complete plan for developing the untapped potential in every aspect of your life.

There are 10 powerful chapters in the book:
Chapter 1: Me And Money

Chapter 2: How Much Is Enough

Chapter 3: The ImageMaker

Chapter 4: Let Go And Let God

Chapter 5: Expect An Abundance

Chapter 6: The Law of Vibration And Attraction

Chapter 7: The Risk-Takers

Chapter 8: The Razor's Edge

Chapter 9: Don't Think In Reverse

Chapter 10: The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

Bob proctor's international best-seller, guides you through all the major principles you must understand in order to unlock the vast wealth of potential buried inside you.

You will learn:

• What money is and how you can attract more of it

• How to become co-creator of your own destiny

• The role of faith in your success

• How to build prosperous images in your mind that translate into magnificent results in your life

• The Law of Attraction—why some people keep attracting negative results and others always seem to attract positive results

• Develop the razor's Edge that will allow you to become a champion

• The Vacuum Law of Prosperity—why you must release the old to make room for the new

This book has been an international best-seller for years.

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Audiobook The Science of Getting Rich

You deserve to be rich, and this revolutionary primer on prosperity consciousness has been enriching millions since it was first published in 1910. Wattles takes the mystery out of prosperity and describes the "exact science" of achieving financial success through creative thought.
Change your life by changing your thoughts; Attract the prosperity you deserve; Appreciate the opportunities that await you; Live true to the values most precious to you; Manage stress and self-defeating impulses that hold you back; Make the contribution to the world that only you can make-and enjoy the abundance you'll receive in return. The gift of greatness can be yours. Bring THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS into your life, or share them with someone you love, to turn yesterday's priceless wisdom into tomorrow's boundless rewards.

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This audiobook can easily be loaded on an iPod or other MP3 player and you can take the player along anywhere you go. To listen the audiobooks into MP3 is easy and too easy. Once the files have been downloaded to your computer , transfer them to a compatible portable audio player, or burn them to CD to enjoy the audio on a conventional hi-fi or in-car audio system.

Name: The Science of Getting Rich

File Type: Archive WinRAR

Duration: 2 Hours

Size: 45.88 MB

Price: $ 8.99

Listen or Download the First Chapter.

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The Full audiobook.

You may pay for your purchase using any major credit card. Once your payment has been processed you will be received a special email with the link to download your new audio book. Once the files have been downloaded to your computer you can listen to them whenever you want, transfer them to a compatible portable audio player, or burn them to CD to enjoy the audio on a conventional hi-fi or in-car audio system.

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The advantage of audiobooks over good old paperbacks should be obvious: it allows the listener to work on other things while listening to the book. While there are no huge audiobook libraries yet, many popular books are available as audiobooks. If you’re always on the go, or rarely find time to read, audiobooks are a nice option, though to many, they will not replace the experience of actually reading.
An audiobook can easily be loaded on an iPod or other MP3 player and you can take the player along anywhere you go. To listen the audiobooks into MP3 is easy and too easy. Once the files have been downloaded to your computer , transfer them to a compatible portable audio player, or burn them to CD to enjoy the audio on a conventional hi-fi or in-car audio system.
The moment you feel like it and you have some idle time, plug in the earphones, push 'play' and a narrator will read to you, just like Grandma used to do when you were a small kid. Don't you want that great feeling of listening to something that will help you? If so continue to visit this blog and you will be one of the next millionaire.

You can listen to them whenever you want.

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How to Read a Person like a Book


The human mind is an innovative hybrid that allows us to anticipate the future - to think
big thoughts. That's the good news.
However a growing number of psychologists and behavioral scientists are finding evidence
that our brains are hard-wired for mistakes in today social environment, especially when
it comes to assessing the personality and predicting behavior of people we encounter.
Why are we so bad at reading the intentions of others? Built on top of the older
"emotional" parts of our mamallian circuitry, there is a "rational" cerebral cortex. The two
are often at odds, and under the surface, our protective instincts are always lurking.
Unfortunately the "emotional" circuitry frequently overwhelms the "rational" cortex. We
simply give more weight to elements in the personality of people we encounter that
supports our beloved preconceptions than to any evidence to the contrary. Thus we
frequently completely miss the target and pay a price of our misjudgments.
Explore the language that exists beyond words - the language of the body and its gestures.
Whether conscious or not of our bodies' movements, we express our feelings, attitudes, and motives through gestures that are often vague and frequently ignored. How to Read a Person Like a Book teaches you how to "decode" and reply to nonverbal signals from strangers, friends, and business associates, allowing you to:
* Gain command of business and social situations
* Sharpen your negotiating skills
* Recognize signals of affection and attraction
* Enrich your knowledge of body language.
Learn the clues that make reading people easy. Gerard Nierenberg's proven techniques for gaining control of negotiations, detecting lies, or recognizing signals of affection and sexual attraction will dramatically improve your understanding of others, giving you the advantage of added insight into all social and business situations.
File Type: MP3
Duration : 41:13
Bit Rate : 64 Kbps
Size: 18.8 MB

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How to Make Love All Night

No matter how old or young, experienced or not, anyone can achieve levels of fulfillment and satisfaction never before thought possible. Sex therapist Dr. Barbara Keesling tells men and women the simple secret that can give couples unmatched pleasure for years. Using Dr. Keesling's techniques, you and your partner will embark on an erotic exploration of the realm of the senses and experience intimacy like never before. Her proven, helpful tips include:

.How to prolong lovemaking for as long as you want
.Excercises that can enhance pleasure
.Learning how to touch and how to feel
.Igniting your partner's passion
.And so much more!

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