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The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons (Original, Unabridged Edition 24 CD Set) (Audio CD)

This is one of the BEST books (there are two in the set) that I have ever read for what truly creates real and lasting wealth, as well as what prevents people from the same.

The wisdom in this book is timeless, and will definitely show you where you may have been unconsciously blocking abundance in your life, as well as the character beneath to sustain it with a pure conscious.

I could quote this book a thousand times. A few of my favorites are:
"No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in the mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes."

"Don't be afraid of a little opposition. Remember that the 'Kite' of success generally rises AGAINST the wind of Adversity - not with it!"

"Is it not strange that we fear most that which never happens? That we destroy our initiative by the fear of defeat, when, in reality, defeat is a most useful tonic and should be accepted as such."

"Service, Sacrifice and Self-Control are three words which must be well understood by the person who succeeds in doing something that is of help to this world."

"Charles Chaplin makes a million dollars a year out of a funny, shuffling walk and a pair of baggy trousers, because he does 'something different.' Take the hint and individualize yourself with some distinctive idea."

"E.M. Statler became the most successful hotel man in the world by rendering MORE SERVICE and BETTER SERVICE THAN HIS GUESTS WERE ASKED TO PAY FOR."

There is more in this book of lasting value that can truly make a difference in your life than many get-rich-quick books I've come across. As this great book states, "Conceit is a fog which envelops a man's real character beyond his own recognition. It weakens his native abilities and strengthens all his inconsistencies."

This book really shows you the stuff wealth is made of. It comes from a pure heart, an open mind that values wisdom, and a person who values people more than dollars. Do that, and you'll come to find more dollars than you ever have before.

Along with this book, I recommend "Think and Grow Rich" (shown above) and "Failing Forward" by John C. Maxwell if you're looking for more current examples, though timeless and rewarding.

They ALL deserve 10 stars.

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Secrets of the millionaire mind

This is a great book, because it starts with allowing readers to explore their subconscious, childhood money messages that are sabotaging their chance of being wealthy.

The theme is written from the premise of your worthiness thoughts lead to your actions which lead to your circumstances.

"Wealthy." The meaning of "wealthy" indicates a great deal about who you are.

The wealthy at country clubs talk about a person's net worth. The middle class at other environments talk about the raise. And the poor talk about making it.

One of the most hilarious parts to this book is the example of what happens when someone says, "Oh! Money is not that important."

T. Harv Eker's reaction is to tap the palm of his hand on his forehead as he say's, "Oh! I get it. You're broke!"

To do this, without regard for whose around and what the social situation is, would definitely be life altering for the person who says that money is not important. (I actually can't imagine someone doing this in any situation other than if they are presenting a motivational workshop, where they are in charge.

But, nonetheless, imagining this happening was funny.

Beyond humor, this book compares the rich to the poor with these assertions:
1. Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people
believe, "Life happens to me."
2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people
play the money game to not lose.
3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people
want to be rich.
4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus
on obstacles.
6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people.
Poor people resent rich and successful people.
7. Rich people associate with positive, successful
people. Poor people associate with negative or
unsuccessful people.
8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their
value. Poor people think negatively about selling and
9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor
people are smaller than their problems.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are
poor receivers.
11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor
people choose to get paid based on time.
12. Rich people think "both." Poor people
think "either/or."
13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people
focus on their working income.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people
mismanage their money well.
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor
people work hard for their money.
16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear
stop them.
17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people
think they already know.

This is a great book because with each assertion T. Harv Eker gives excellent real life scenarios, as well as experiences that he has live through.

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Secrets of success

Are you intrigued by the Laws of Attraction yet not quite sure how to use their power if your life? Well, you are not alone! This life-changing book reveals the truth about how your consciousness and energy really work in the world. It’s your full life force—not just your individual intention—that creates results. This uniquely holistic approach unlocks your quantum psychology—the deeper vibrations of your thoughts and feelings—and offers the keys that will open you up to a future of abundance and joy.
You will also tap into one of the best-kept secrets of success—your connection with the presence and energy of Spirit! Learn how to sharpen your intuition and work with divine experts, messengers, and creative advisors. Discover dozens of simple ways to access the talent of the ages and align your own energy field with the driving and creative force of the cosmos.

This book will also help you to:

1. Understand the power of adjacent possibilities and the abundant options they represent
2. Identify and change your quantum psychology and shift your consciousness for better results
3. Use your intuitive powers to lead you to your own Manifest Destiny
4. Flip the energy of your life and propel your individual intentions with a powerful life force
5. Learn simple techniques to get help from spirit to succeed in every area of your life!

The world of endless possibilities is awaiting you. Now is your moment of destiny creation!

The Secrets of Success by Sandra Anne Taylor is an excellent read for everyone. I think you could be Bill Gates and still gain from this work. It is full of insights to what Sandra calls the "science and spirit of real prosperity." Emphasis on the "real" aspect should be given, for Sandra makes it very clear that money alone is anything but prosperity!
Sandra begins by providing mind set comparisons between those with varying success levels and those without. Trump may not agree with all of her conclusions but then Sandra's focus is not winning but rather on personal success from a cooperative spiritual perspective. Don't be confused though, this book does take the reader right through the basics necessary to succeed in finance, relationships and much more. Indeed, according to Candice Pert in the Foreword to the book, reading and applying some of Sandra's tools to her task facilitated her research with peptide treatment for aids.
Sandra weaves a fabric that could represent many of us by showing clearly that our past effects our now and further can literally withhold from us the future we desire and deserve. Further, Sandra provides guidance and methods to healing the past, clearing old negative scripts, advancing new energized patterns and moving this all to action. She also shares many tools that literally make a difference in every step along the journey. From the holographic principles to the energy vibration one vocalizes, you do not want to miss this work. Praise to you Sandra--I really like what you have done!
Eldon Taylor. Ph.D. Author of the New York Times bestseller, Choices and Illusions: How Did I Get Where I Am, and How Do I Get Where I Want to Be?

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15 Of The Biggest Questions In Online Marketing

Here's the answer...

I'm going to answer for you the top 15 questions asked by online marketers in the shortest, bluntest way I can. Ever wish someone would just give you a straight answer to your questions instead of making things more complicated than they need to be?

Question 1: How do I get hits to my site? One of the simplest, yet most under answered questions in online marketing. It's traffic we all want. We don't get sales without it. Thankfully, pulling targeted traffic is far easier than most make it out to be. I'll show you the ins and outs of free promotion with traffic in mind that beats any paid service I've ever seen online.>

Question 2: How do I build my list? A list is the lifeblood of a business. Potential customers you can promote to again and again at zero cost to yourself. This is where most go broke and fail, but It can be quick and easy to build one with little time investment if you know how.

Question 3: Why Don’t My Guides Work For Me? I'll show you the number one reason why most online business guides out there simply do not work for you saving you the hassles (not to mention the cash) wading through another document that's going to be a waste of your time.

Question 4: Why Won’t My Affiliates Sell? Affiliates are a powerful force and can make your business a lot of money if you can manage them correctly. Learn the methods straight from a marketer with almost 7 years of experience with this under his belt.

Question 5: I Haven’t Got A Product. What Can I Sell? I'll show you how to proceed if you don't have a product of your own for maximum positive progress in regard to the profit and growth of your online ventures.

Question 6: I'm worried that I won't succeed. Personal reservations get in the way of all of us sometimes. Is this what's holding you back? I'm going to show you the one way that I know to smash through this barrier in under 24 hours.

Question 7: How do people make $20k+ monthly? Imagine what it'd feel like to to make $20,000, $30,000 $50,000 or even more per month online. Wouldn't that feel great? Sadly, the majority of marketers are missing several fundamentals that will prevent them from ever achieving their goals. I'll show you what they are, and how to overcome them.

Question 8: Why Can’t I Score Any JV’s? When the difference between scoring a JV and not scoring a JV can mean a circulation of 0 for your product or a circulation of hundreds of thousands on launch day, it's important to get this right at all costs. I'll demonstrate how to do this, and at the same time show you how to avoid the pitfalls that destroy any chance for your future JV relationships with incorrect first contact methods.

Question 9: Affiliate Program Promotion. How? There are people out there who wake up in the morning, fire out some ads, and go about their daily business knowing full well when they return to their computers, they'll have thousands of dollars in commissions waiting for them. Find out what they're doing that you aren't.

Question 10: Where Do I Start? A solid foundation is important for all online business, but with so much information flying about, sometimes it's just hard to know where to start. I'll show you exactly how to start in such a way that your businesses foundations will be set in stone for a long time to come.

Question 11: How Do I Know Who To Trust? Do the people that you're listening to for tips and advice know what they're talking about? No matter how nice they are as people, if they don't know their stuff, they're holding you back. Learn to separate the great from the not so great.

Question 12: How Much Money Do I Need? I'll be blunt with you. To be a success in online marketing it takes money, but you may be shocked to find out how much it actually takes (it's not as much as you might be thinking).

Question 13: How Much Time Do I Need? It's ok for those who have made it and can sit at their computers and work their businesses whenever they feel like it, but what about you? What about your kids, your job and your other engagements. Do you really have the time to invest to make your business a success? We dispel the myths right here.

Question 14: Is It All A Scam? With all the info products, pay plans and un-ethical schemes out there I can see how an onlooker might hear the word 'online marketing' and immediately think it's a scam. I'll be demonstrating to you not only how online business is a legit, but also some things you can show the people you care about that will prove to them once and for all that your business is as legitimate as any real world operation.

Question 15: How Long Will It All Take? So you want to take home a huge pay cheque at the end of the month? How long it'll take you to build a successful business depends on many factors. Understand them now and you'll not only see exactly where your business is headed, but you'll be able to remove these same barriers that stop other marketers from achieving their goals for the future.

92 solid pages of pure Q&A about your online business in total. Never be left in the dark about what's really going on again.

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AdSense - The dollar producing factory

No need to sell any products or servicesNo need to have any employeesNo need to invest any money (or invest very little money)No need to spend effort or time in any business activitiesNo need to look for clients or customers


Well, the secret lies in various online advertising programs. And one of the most popular programs is the ‘AdSense’ Program. AdSense program works by serving ‘targeted’ ads on websites. Whenever someone visits your website, those ads are displayed and you earn $$$$s. If someone clicks on those Ads, you again earn $$$$s. This means that once you have setup your website with AdSense ads, the flow of revenue is automatic without you doing anything else. Of course, if you do a little bit of tracking and performance analysis of your AdSense ads, You Can Enhance Your Profits Many Times.
AdSense is an online advertising program that is run by Google (the specialists in search engine technologies). This program is different from the other advertising programs in the sense that here the ads are served based on the content of the website. So, a website that contains articles or content on shoes, would display AdSense ads for shoes, shoe accessories and other shoe related products.
AdSense program benefits all the involved parties i.e. advertisers, website owners that show AdSense ads and the website visitors (or consumers) that see the AdSense ads. Advertisers get an easy and effective advertising medium for targeted advertising, website owners get $$$$s for displaying Ads on their websites and the website visitors get a richer experience because the ads that they see are actually related to their field of interest.
And more …..
And a lot more than that …
What Is AdSense?
Any Website Can Become A Bill-Board
Setting Up Your Google AdSense Account
Getting The Maximum Out Of Google AdSense
What Makes Google AdSense System So Special?
AdSense For Search: What’s that?
Tips For AdSense For Feeds
Google’s Ad Filtering Mechanism.
Making The AdSense Ads Suit Your Website
Understanding Alternate Ads And PSAs
Guidelines For Adding The AdSense Code
AdSense Ad Variations
Top 4 Tips For Getting The Best Results
AdSense Tips That You Might Have Missed Out On
Getting Paid Through AdSense Program
Performance Tracking Through Reports

How can you get this detailed e-book on AdSense program?
Well, it’s quite simple. You can get this e-book in just a couple of minutes.
All you have to do is download it from our website, on to your computer. You can then read this e-book at your convenience and use the knowledge to MAKE HUGE PROFITS FROM ADSENSE PROGRAM. This e-book will put an end to all your questions and doubts about AdSense Ads. It explains everything in a simple and easy-to-understand language.
Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about AdSense. This e-book will explain everything about AdSense in great detail.
You will never need to consult any book again and you can get yourself immediately started with the AdSense program. This jump-start will mean that you can potentially start earning now (and every cent counts).
For ONLY $17 Euros You wil get everything described above and more.....

Click to download

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Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

As many people have observed, "Success leaves clues." If you want to achieve extraordinary success in the coming year, study the experts, do what they do, and modify their techniques to suit your particular situation. It's easy!

Well, maybe not easy, but there are basic fundamentals. In the belief that we all need to be reminded of them regularly, here are some of the secrets that have helped me and my clients over the years:

1. Focus on values. I've known people who made some money, but I've never known anyone who got rich without examining their own values, priorities and beliefs. Start by writing down a list of things you value, things you believe, what you want, and what you plan to do with this incredible life you have. Start with your values.

2. Get a life. Before you can handle great wealth, you must make room for it. This is the old, "if you build it, they will come" model. Trying to squeeze success, wealth, fame or fortune into a small life won't work. Create a life first; the lifestyle of your dreams will follow.

3. Eliminate clutter. Trying to create success and achieve wealth while your life's a mess won't work. Success requires clear priorities and a passionate commitment. Simplify your life. Eliminate the excuses. Clean up everything that distracts you from reaching your most important goals.

4. Specify your results. Nobody can hit a target they can't see. Define your outcomes and set clear, achievable results in advance. Know what "success" looks like! Have measurable, specific outcomes and determine that you will achieve them!

5. Burn your ships. There's an ancient story about a Greek general who landed his troops on an enemy shore, then burned his ships. He wanted to make it very clear: Retreat and failure were not an option! Leave no room for failure.

6. Put in more than you take out. No one will pay you more than your services are worth! Get clear about that! You just can't fool people very long. Your services and your results must be far more valuable than the small fee you charge. Some people will rip you off; the rest will make you rich!

7. Live below your means. Rich people know this. Wealth is accumulated, re-invested, used wisely and given away. It is never spent! Let the millionaire athletes and folks who win lotteries buy the fancy cars and flashy jewelry. If you want to achieve great wealth, live simply, invest wisely, enjoy it all!

8. Get rich slowly. The key to great wealth is to minimize income, while maximizing your assets. Income is taxed. Income gets spent -- think about all the cars, boats, diamonds and houses people with huge incomes like to buy! Investing in assets that are hard to spend (buildings, stocks and bonds, collectible art, etc) creates wealth that is not taxed, and isn't spent on a casual impulse.

9. Pay lots of taxes. No, I'm not talking about paying more than you owe, but pay every cent the law requires. Rich folks don't haggle over nickels and dimes, they invest to make millions! If you can legally avoid taxes, do so! Use the law to your advantage when you can. But juggling the books to hide income or save a few bucks, wastes your time, wastes your energy, creates fear of getting caught, and makes you cheap. Don't do it!

10. Give it away. You can't take it with you when you die, and money is not attracted to the selfish, the miserly or the mean. If you would attract money to your life, be clear about what you want to do with it. Contribute to charities that will use it for good. Make the world a better, richer place and you'll create wealth that will last for generations to come. Your children will thank you!

By Philip E. Humbert

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Success Secrets That Rich People Follow

More than 90 percent of all financially successful people today started off broke or nearly broke. Statistics show that the average millionaire has been bankrupt or nearly bankrupt 3.2 times. The formula for success starts with a specific effect for every cause. We all know that for every action, there is a reaction. This theory help support the reason why success is not an accident, it’s a choice. The formula of success states that if you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the results that other successful people get.

In life, we all have goals and dreams that we would like to achieve. Dreams are very important to the mind because it helps you to want and do better than you have before. “Every empire starts with a dream”. As they say, Rome wasn’t built overnight. It takes time to carry out a vision. Dreaming is the starting point of achieving your goal of financial independence. One of the main reasons why people never succeed financially is because it never occurred to them that they could do it if they try. You have to develop a clear sense of direction.

Successful people think about their goals constantly while moving toward them. One of the biggest mistakes people make is they think that you work for anyone other than your self. Believe this or not, you are always in control of your destiny and have a choice. Find something that interest you and expand on it. You have to live with a passion. Your life will only get better when you get better.

If you work only 40 hours, all you will ever do is survive. But every hour over 40 is an investment in your future. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. We learn something new everyday. Successful people are more concerned with pleasing results while failures are more concerned with pleasing methods. Successful people take actions that are goal achieving and unsuccessful people take actions that are tension relieving.

Whatever your goal is you want to achieve, you have to be around people with those similar goals. For example, if your goal is to become successful financially, associate with those positive people who are financially stable. As they say, “if you want to fly with the eagles, you cannot scratch with the turkeys”.

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