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The Science of getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich .

You can get rich with mathematical certainty! This book provides the science of getting rich, it's an exact science, like engineering and arithmetic. There are certain laws that govern the process of acquiring riches; once these laws are learned and obeyed by any one - they will get rich. A practical little manual outlining exactly how anyone with average intelligence and who follows the steps that he provides, will certainly get rich. This practical method for achieving financial and personal success presented by him has stood the test of time and has been used by countless thousands in obtaining freedom from insecurity - both financially and emotionally.You deserve to be rich: Your right to life means you right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to your fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, your right to be rich. Take this little book, study it, use it, act on it and day by day as you take efficient action as given in this book - you will most certainly get rich.

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The importance of reading - L'importance de la lecture

Reading is more important today than it ever was.
it is crucial to being an informed citizen, to succeed in one's chosen career, and to personal fulfillment. Remember when people thought technology would decrease the need to read? I find I have more access to text than ever, more specialized magazines, more books being published, more newspapers and more articles to read on the Internet, just like we are communicating
Books give people inspiration in life. A good book will provide hope when you are down, and comfort when you are sad. Also, reading books will let you gain so much knowledge. Never underestimate the amount of different things that can be learnt from reading.

Then this blog is created for all those who want to increase their knowledge.

La lecture est plus importante aujourd'hui qu'il ne l'a jamais été - il est essentiel d'être un citoyen informé, de réussir dans sa future carrière, et à la satisfaction personnelle. Souvenez-vous quand les gens croyaient que la technologie permettrait de réduire le besoin de lire? Je realise que j'ai plus d'accès au texte que jamais, plus spécialisés, des magazines, des livres et plus d'être publié, de plus en plus d'articles de journaux à lire sur l'Internet, tout comme nous communiquons maintenant.
Les Livres donnent aux gens l'inspiration dans la vie. Un bon livre donne de l'espoir quand vous êtes abattu et de reconfort quand vous êtes triste. La lecture vous permettra aussi de gagner beaucoup de connaissances. Il ne faut jamais sous-estimer le montant des différentes choses qui peuvent être tirés de la lecture.

Alors ce blog est créé pour tous ceux qui veulent augmenter leur connaissance.

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